She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks.
She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.
Proverbs 31:17 and 20
From 1922 to circa 1960, the women of Trinity were known as the Ladies Aid. London’s Ladies Aid societies consisted of city-wide small groups that would meet in someone’s home. The ladies would also all attend a monthly meeting at Trinity. Two of these groups were still meeting in 1966. Some of their activities included bandage rolling, which raised a lot of money for furnishing the “new” building at 746 Colborne Avenue, as well as running Bible studies.
From 1966 until 1986 the group was known as Trinity Lutheran Women, the TLW. In 1986 the ELCIC formed the Evangelical Lutheran Women, with their head office in Winnipeg. Thus Trinity’s ladies’ group became known as the ELW. In 2010, the ELW head office was disbanded and Trinity’s women’s group once again became Trinity Lutheran Women.
Currently the TLW still raises money, mainly through pie sales. They are vital in running our annual Congregational Christmas Dinner, organizing funeral luncheons and the Senior’s Worship services and lunches as well as preparing the church for special events and helping with the Northern Hospitality Dinners. Some of their other projects include supporting Anova, Teen Challenge, Child Can, Change Her World, Canadian Lutheran World Relief, My Sister’s Place and the Mission Store on York Street.
The TLW always welcomes women of any age to join them. See our newsletter for information about the next TLW event.