Information for Trinity’s bursaries is available here and through our office coordinator. You can pick up your applications at the church office. The ELCIC also has several scholarships available: the Eastern Synod Scholarship Fund, the Spencer-Barche Education Trust Fund and the Toolsie Fund. The details for those are at the link below. Lutheran Social Services London has bursaries available for adult students; their contact information is also below.
Please note the expectations, applications and deadlines are different for the Trinity bursaries, the ECIC Scholarships and the Lutheran Social Services London bursaries. Unfortunately, exceptions cannnot be made for late applications.
Trinity Lutheran Church Bursaries
T.L. Ristine
Must be an active member of Trinity
Available to all post-secondary students,
regardless of their area of study
C.J. Killinger
Must be an active member of Trinity
Available to post-secondary students
who are entering the field of ministry
D.H. Dobrindt
Must be an active member of Trinity
Available to post-secondary students
entering the field of education
Email our church coordinator for more information.
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Canada Scholarships
The Eastern Synod Scholarship Fund is a program administered by the Eastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada when funds are available.
The Spencer-Barche Educational Trust Fund is a program coordinated by the Eastern Synod and the Regional Board for Lutheran Campus Ministry – Eastern Canada.
The Toolsie Fund was established in 1984 and is a program administered by the Synod Council-appointed Scholarship Committee geared specifically to university students.
More information is available on the ELCIC website and in this PDF.
Lutheran Social Services London
The applicant must:
1. Be a member in good standing of one of the six Lutheran Churches in LSSL and be approved by the church council and pastor
2. Make their own application to LSSL through their church
3. Have been out of secondary school for a period of at least three (3) years
4. Be eligible for enrolment into an accredited school for higher education; the scholarship will be conditional upon acceptance by a school in Canada
5. Want to upgrade their education level for employment status or new employment
Lutheran Social Services will:
1. Have available each year $12,000 to accommodate this program on a year to year basis
2. Administer this fund through individual Lutheran churches to their members
3. Accept appropriate applications from the membership of the six Lutheran churches
4. Support eligible applications in their educational program through their church for a period of up to four years
5. Will accept applications once a year by no later than April 30th for the following academic year
6. Divide the funds up according to the number of requests, the cost of tuition and books and the number of courses applied for or to be taken
7. Not pay for courses taken a second time because of failure or wish to upgrade or any other reason
In each situation the Board’s decision will be final.
More details and contact information can be found here.