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“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
Matthew 7:7

Being in a new situation can be tough, even at a church. At our main entrance you’ll find members ready to greet and direct you. Our ushers will give you the bulletin for the day’s service, help you find your way around the building and respond to any questions that aren’t answered here…and make you feel at home. 

When are your services?
Our services are at 10:30 a.m. every Sunday and run for approximately one hour. Our Kids Club runs concurrently downstairs with the worship in the sanctuary.

Where are you located?
Our address and Google directions are here.

What should I wear?
The Bible doesn’t give us a dress code for worship, so wear what you feel comfortable in! Some people dress casually, some in business casual and some in a suit or dress. Since during the winter the sanctuary can be cool and in the summer our large windows let in a lot of sunlight, wearing a second layer is recommended.

Will I be welcome even if I’m not planning to become a member?
Yes. Everyone is welcome in His house.

What should I expect?
Lutheran worship services consist of four parts: Gathering, Word, Meal and Sending. The pastor’s sermon is approximately 15 minutes long. We sing a mixture of hymns and contemporary Christian songs and you’ll get your exercise as we stand and sit (as you’re able) a fair bit. Our Music Director is multi-talented, playing both the organ and our grand piano and is often accompanied by one or more of our congregants or the Praise Band. Offering plates are passed before the Meal, but no one is under any obligation to give. Grape juice and gluten-free wafers are available for those who wish. The Pastor will come to you if you are not able to go to the altar. You can also receive a blessing if you prefer. We share the Peace of Jesus by going around and greeting each other. We do this by saying, “Peace be with you” or just, “Peace”. You can also shake hands, fist or elbow bump, nod or just wave!
After service, we have a Fellowship Coffee Hour in Koehler Hall where you can meet the pastor and our members.

Do I have to be a member to receive communion?
No. This is the Lord’s table and all are welcome.

How do I ask a pastor to contact me?
You can speak to a pastor after service or contact the church office to request an appointment or a phone call.