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In-person and live-streamed at 10:30 a.m. (Eastern)
All the hymn words and liturgy are on the screen.
You can also follow the service with our bulletin.

December 8, 2024


“Don’t ever question the value of volunteers!
Noah’s Ark was built by volunteers; the Titanic was built by professionals.”

We Need You!
We are looking for two or three new volunteers for Church Council as several
current members have needed to resign or will be completing their terms in January.

Trinity’s Church Council meets 10 times per year for approximately 2 hours,
usually the 2nd Monday of each month, excepting July and August.
A term of service can be 1, 2 or 3 years.

Please contact Nancy Manners if you are interested in serving.

Annual Children’s Christmas Pageant

December 15th during our regular service

Our children and youth are looking forward to explaining the meanings of our Christmas traditions and the message of the birth of Jesus.

Urgently Needed:

The Mission Store is in urgent need of gently used men’s winter boots and shoes. Please leave your items in the box in Koehler Fellowship Hall or at the store at 797 York St.

My Sisters’ Place is in need of winter items such as winter coats, winter boots, toiletries and warm blankets. Please leave your items in the box in Koehler Fellowship Hall.

We want to warmly welcome and thank our guest pastors for December.

Pastor Richard Holm – Sunday, December 1st
Pastor Paul Sodtke – Sunday, December 8th
Pastor Jim Garey – Sunday, December 15th
Pastor Barry Boeckner – Sunday, December 22nd
Pastor Jim Garey – Tuesday, December 24th: Christmas Eve service

Keep up with the Times!

Our monthly newsletter has all the information you need regarding upcoming events, birthdays and anniversaries.
If you need a reminder of what day you’ll be serving in service, it’s in there, too!
Click here to read about the latest news.

How to Connect with Us

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Land Acknowledgement
London is located within the traditional territory of the Anishinaabek (Ah-nish-ih-nah’-bey), Haudenosaunee (Hoh-DEE-noh-SHoh-nee), Lūnaapéewak (Le-nay-pee-wuk) and Attawandaron (Add-a-won-da-run) nations; land that is also shared by Metis, Inuit and urban Indigenous community members. We acknowledge all the treaties specific to this area: the Two Row Wampum Belt Treaty of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy/Silver Covenant Chain; the Beaver Hunting Grounds of the Haudenosaunee NANFAN Treaty of 1701; the McKee Treaty of 1790, the London Township Treaty of 1796, the Huron Tract Treaty of 1827 with the Anishinaabek and the Dish with One Spoon Covenant Wampum of the Anishnaabek and Haudenosaunee. We hold everything in this world in highest esteem and give honour to the wonderment of all things in God’s Creation. We come together as one to share good words, thoughts and deeds, sincerely sending them out to each other and to all parts of His creation. We are grateful for this world and we promise to be faithful to God and the natural laws of Creation.  
The three Indigenous Nations that are neighbours to London are the Chippewas of the Thames First Nation; Oneida Nation of the Thames and the Munsee-Delaware Nation who all continue to live as sovereign Nations with individual and unique languages, cultures and customs.