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Ash Wednesday 14 February 2024 (Trinity & Redeemer)
2:00 pm In-person and live streamed at Trinity
7:00 pm In-person at Redeemer

Wednesdays in Lent (21 February to 20 March)
2:00 pm Holden “evening” prayer at Redeemer
7:00 pm Lectio Divina via Zoom JOIN ZOOM SESSION

Lectio Divina means “Divine Reading”. It is an old practice of reading scripture several times over with a time for meditation after each reading. It is not Bible Study, but more a practice of listening and hearing what the Holy Spirit might be saying to YOU personally at this moment.

For example, my spiritual director led me in Lectio Divina using one of my favourite passages, ‘breakfast on the beach with Jesus’ from John 21. I have studied this passage, taken it apart, preached on it, and know it (almost) off by heart, AND YET, with my spiritual director reading it, the phase that started to stand out (or shimmer) for me was “so many fish”. It seemed like an insignificant and almost incidental little phrase in such a rich story. That little 3 word phase and what it meant to me that day, has turned into a whole journal exercise and potentially a devotional book.
Pastor Steve Johnston

Palm Sunday 21 March at Trinity
10:30 am Procession of the Palms as we start Holy Week.

Maundy Thursday 26 March – Agape Meal at Trinity (with Redeemer)
6:00 pm An agape meal including Holy Communion as our Maundy Thursday worship.
Afterwards, people go to their home church to strip the altar ready for Good Friday.

Good Friday 10:30am at Trinity
10:30 am Worship

Easter Sunday 10am at Redeemer (with Trinity)
10:00 am Pastor Steve Johnston leading worship at Redeemer along with everyone from Trinity. Celebrating the risen Lord together.

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
746 Colborne Street, London,

Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church