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For Our Littlest Ones: The Atrium and The Pond

But Jesus called for them and said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them;
for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.”
Luke 18:16

Trinity has several spaces designated for our youngest members, which lets you as parents decide what works best for you.

The Pond is located within our sanctuary, which allows you to remain in service even if your child gets restless. There are soft, quiet toys and books to entertain them while you participate in service.
The Atrium (our nursery room) is available for use at any time on Sunday mornings. It comes equipped with a change table, crib, rocking chair and plenty of toys to keep a busy toddler busy!
Our library in Koehler Hall also has a kids’ table supplied with crayons and colouring pages…not to mention all the exciting children’s books! Since there are speakers in the hall, you can still hear the service from the library.